Saturday, October 2, 2010

Adventuring outside!

We ventured outside this afternoon. The weather in Perth has been glorious and my friend had bought me a playpen of sort for the rats, so they could play on the grass, so we headed out onto the backlawn for some fun.

Lysander was very excited about being on the grass.

Love my boys! xxx

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Licking his....

Silvius was in a very cute mood the other night...

  But a little embarrassed to be caught...ummm...performing his ablutions on the dining room table.

Hey Mum, whatcha looking at?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pasta (nom nom nom)

My boys love pasta. I mean they LUUUUUUUUUUUUURVE it. Not cooked pasta; dry pasta.

 See what I mean?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Food, Glorious Food

When I first got my rats, I fed them a commercial dry mix. I thought it was what was best....apparently not! A friend from a rescue organisation (that I will talk about anon) pointed out that it was mostly hay (rats won't eat it) rabbit pellets (again, not good for rats! Rabbits have completely different nutritional needs) seeds (high in fat) lab block and oats. What a wake up! I wasn't doing te best thing for my boys? ARGH!

So, now I make my own rat food. It usually looks like a combination of some or all of the following:

Cereal (low in salt and sugar. The Sports Plus, or Just Right, something like that.)
Museli/Oats (depends if museli ison special!)
Bran (for fibre. They never eat it....)
Nuts (at the moment it is pine nuts, almond silvers and sunflower seeds)
Dry cat food (only ever a handful per 5 kg of food)
Banana chips
Dry pasta
Dry fruit (never gets eaten)
And other things that get thrown in for a bit of variety.

They also get fresh food. This is all sorts of things, usually:

Leftover vegemite toast
Boiled eggs
Peas, corn, broccoli
cooked pasta
rice cream made with soy milk (what they are eating right now....spoilt!)

Fishing for Vegetables

We are fishing tonight....Well. By fishing, I mean drinking all the warm water and not eating the vegetables...
I drink it? Yes?
slurp slurp
I even made the water warm and everything....

So, I gave up with vegetables and popped some strawberries on the table....well! The poor iphone was working overtime! Lucky a new camera is coming home with me this week!

nom nom nom

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Playing with toys

Played around with toys tonight. Silvius and Othello were too scared to come anywhere near the toy parade I had set up on the table, but Lysander was a little curious.

Must get a new camera.

Monday, September 6, 2010

We're not worthy...

I honestly don't know what I have done to deserve such cuteness.
Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.
I so so so so so need a better camera. Thank god for my iphone.

Everyone wants to be on the internet!

My rats are posers.

Case in point.

So, we are all out on the dining table tonight. I really should be folding my washing (HA HA HA!) but I am playing facebook and blogging. Ah, well. Washing can wait.

The boys have decided this new fad of mine, namely taking their photo every 5 seconds is fun, and they were being such POSERS tonight!

Silvius being a camera slut
Silvius was really hamming it up. For a rat that spends most of his time under/inside and being warm and snug, he was lapping up the attention.
Is this my best side?
Where as Othello was just happy to chill.
So, Silvius was chilling with me....and then I saw it...... SILVIUS HAS THE BIGGEST BOGGLE! I swear I thought his eyes were going to pop right out of his head! That is one happy to come, I swear!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Rattie bliss

One of Lysander' favourite things in the whole world is to sit on the table while I work on the computer. Think Brux Boggle Brux Boggle Brux Boggle Sleep. Very happy rattie.

This is him, being all coy behind the lappy.

Tonight he is a little wheezy, so I have given him some Baytril (very unwilling he was!) and he is now curled up asleep, next to me.

Night all...


Playing with different lenses. I am sure it just looks like I have an unsteady hand!



Off to a start
