Saturday, September 4, 2010

Rattie bliss

One of Lysander' favourite things in the whole world is to sit on the table while I work on the computer. Think Brux Boggle Brux Boggle Brux Boggle Sleep. Very happy rattie.

This is him, being all coy behind the lappy.

Tonight he is a little wheezy, so I have given him some Baytril (very unwilling he was!) and he is now curled up asleep, next to me.

Night all...


  1. I could so keep Mr Lysander, he is so sweet.
    Aimee hehehe using Q's account LOL

  2. Hi Aims! I know, he is a darling. I wish the other too boys would be all squishy and sooky....I think they are just too young and still full of energy!
